It is a well known fact that banks generally operate for profit in fact any organization want profit, but there is one bank who want to make money by first telling them to use there peoduct and then misleading the customer and earning profit from them.
A very simple situation where there is a card user and he used that card and stopped payment. After some time that guy start receiving calls to pay the money back and he decided to pay the money in instalment. But when he paid the first instalment then what the bank did is unbelievable. All the money from the guys account vanished. Using the account number from where instalment was paid bank transferred all money and doesnot even bother to intimate the customer about it.
Now the real nightmare start.......The person who lost all his money is running pillar to post to know what happened to his money. Even that guy blocked the account and debit card thinking that someone misused it and in turn bank charged him some processing fees and earned money.
After getting new card he went to do some transaction and came to know that again this time he cannot use his card and again money gone.
Bank telling-- Go to Collection department we will not be able to do anything>> No one ready to help in collection department told the customer call phone banking>> phone banking telling call collections we are helpless>> collection disconnecting call few times and then telling call closed card department as this number is for open cards>> phone banking provided wrong number.
So the customer is visiting the branch and collection department crossing two states only to be sent back empty handed.
At the end that guy spent more money and what is the result? nothing just numbers and addresses of all the offices and branches of HSBC where people not ready to give the correct information even the Branch opening time told to the guy was wrong. He need to wait for one hour outside the bank.