I am a Account holder of HSBC, Bundgarden branch in Pune. I have been promised by the relationship manager for excellent and quality service when I opened an account .
But as regards the service they offer its most pathetic. Despite the promise that as an advance account holder I am allotted a relationship officer who is supposed to help me regarding my banking but it remained only as a promise.
The relationship manager who is supposed to help me did not do so and even did not answer my call due to which I was unaware about even my latest balance etc and as part of policy of HSBC they debit money if total balance falls short of 300, 000 in a quarter and due to my busy schedule I use to call relationship officer to know the details and to help me to know if my balance goes below this level but she never use to comply with my request and never ever contacted me as regards banking services etc.
I got huge money debited by HSBC bank and when I contacted customer care and relationship manger and higher authorities I received a non committal reply and neither services improved nor there was any one to redress my problem.
After due patience when I found matter is not being resolved despite several request and as I kept loosing money I had no option but to request for account closure and I applied regarding the same.
Normally after application for closure of account is received by the banking official they are supposed to comply with the request and should have transferred my remaining balance to another account or issue a cheque in that regard which was promised when I submitted application(application made in Sept end of 2015)
As I did not receive any communication from HSBC bank I had to contact customer care official and the customer care official said that my account is still active and not closed.
That surprised me and I lodged a complaint in regard to this serious issue and am waiting for what steps are being taken by HSBC.
But being a harassed customer who suffered due to deficient service by HSBC I appeal to one and all not to fall in to trap to be customer of HSBC and be aware of such sordid deal by HSBC.