I liked HSBC credit card for three reasons:
a) No annual fee on card. Its free for the use as I havent been charged anythibg on that front even after uaing it for 1 and half year.
b) Book My Show offer: The card gives you offer to book 2 tockets for every saturday show for the cost of one. No terms and condition applies here. Best for me as I dont have to think for ticket prices whenever I am taking my wife with me.
c) Cashback of 10%: The carda comes with cashbqck facility of 10% dueong forst three month of usage. By using that I sabed 2000/- INR which was good for me:)
The card custkmerswrvice is not that good but all in all a swcure card with soe offers. Whats a prob to carry one more card in your wallet without paying a extra penny.