I am one of the privileged!!!??? customers of HSBC and that too Platinum Card and I must say I am getting Platinum treatment from HSBC collection division. The treatment, I feel, just falls short of sending goons to extract the payment from the hapless customer.
I have been using HSBC card for over two years now and enjoy a good limit on my card. All seemed to be well till now and I never had a problem probably because I was making payments on time or within 2-3 days of the due date. But this time I missed the payment of my last statement and couldnt pay for 4-5 days from the due date. This gave me an opportunity to get a taste of the level to which a credit card company can stoop to get the payment out of the customer...and that too a meagre 1500 bucks. I have been getting 40-50 calls every day from the collection department both on my mobile and landline. The buggers have been calling up my house and asking my wife to get me to make the payment.
I am surprised at the culture and methodologies followed by this bank. I have all my payments cleared in the past and have a good track record.This time I have missed a very small payment of just Rs.1500 and that too in the first billing. I have been telling the callers that I will make the payment before the due date as per the new statement that I have got. But it looks like its the bank doesnt know the meaning of credit and believes in harassing the card holders so much for missed payments that they start making payments on time. If these guys are so scared of lending money I dont understand why they are in this business?