It Happened with me that I had dropped my Cheque for this months HSBC Credit card Bill in the nearby HSBC Drop Box well in advance (around 1 week ) ago the due date.But to surprise the cheque was not cleared nor the amount reflecting after 1 week , and next day was the last bill date.I called the Helpline and and told him the problem, and to my astonishment he arrogantly asked me to show the proof that if I had dropped the cheque at all , I replied that it meant I am telling a lie and making up stories , but he argued that I have to show him the proof anyway .I screamed at him warning him of canceling the card if he dosnt take the complain , but he argued that I could cancel the card only when the outstanding is cleared. ,
I disconnected in anger.The next day I paid the amount in cash at the nearest HSBC Bank and blocked the cheque .Next thing was to cancel the card for once and for all. Never go for this big bully Banks who have claim to be Worlds no 1s.