All my experiences with HSBC have been terrible. The first time I was given a lifetime free card, I was charged an annual fee etc and after many hours of automated messages and few successful conversations with their customer care, I still received many reminders to pay up annual charges and threatened legal action if I didnt!!! I stood my grounds and refused to pay and cancelled the card.
The second time around, with some more assurances and a bigger credit limit, I was yet again chased for a lifetime free card - the sales girl gave me her personal mobile number and put her head on the altar if things went wrong. Well, history repeated itself and the sales girl vanished in thin air. I clarified the first time, due apologies were made after I told them to cancel my card.
It happened again the second year and after a long struggle, I managed to cancel my card - I had to struggle with them to even cancel my card!! This happened more than a year ago - the freedom from HSBC credit card, but the harassment has not yet stopped! I still receive e mails telling me to pay up annual charges!!! Wait, its not over! My husband who also has a lifetime free card is now facing the same problem, third year in a row and desperately wants to cancel his card!