NEVER Take HSBC CREDIT CARD I am using my HSBC credit card for one and half years yrs and was satisfied with it but not now. It never sends statements regularly - neither by email nor snail-mail, even if u call up the customercare and request for the duplicate statement ; u will be lucky enought if u get it in the first time. We need to call up several times to get a duplicate statement.Previously it was not like this ...I never missed any statement for the first 6 month ...problem arosed from this year only .
And my complete harrassment is because of there customer care only , if you ask why then ask the same question with 10 minutes time gap to different customer care personals , Answers will of-course different . I dont know how come HSBC management make their customer care dept same as Hell . I am also writing a letter to RBI for this. The total due was Rs. 35676.45 as per my december’06 statement and the payment due date was 31st. For which I made a netbanking transfer of Rs. 500 and I have dropped a cheque of Rs. 35000 in the HSBC atm at Fort mumbai .On 17thJan ’07 I got a call from the bank that they havent received the “minimum payment due” amount by due date
when I told her that I already made they payment she told that because of some problems the they havent got the money maybe because of ATM drop box there got some clearance problem like that. She requested me to make a payment of Rs. 2500 to meet the “minimum payment due” and she will take care that late fees are not charged on my account, as it was not my fault.
Nextday one person from HSBC came and met me at my office and I gave him Rs 2500 now this Rs 2500 was the extra payment made by me.
in the next month I made one transaction on my card of Rs. 27000, so I was expecting only that amount to be charged in my feb 2007 statement. However, to my utter surprise, I was charged a late fee of Rs 1024.50 + Finance charge .Then I called to their call-center again and they told me that was a mistake , they are correcting it and sending a fresh statement again .I received a fresh statement but to my utter surprise and disappiontment it was same as before .Again, I called up the customer service and they assured me that it would be taken care of in next statement. .
But as of now the problem is not solved and I am getting statement from you with all late charges and finance charges. I refuse to pay all those charges, as it was not my fault. Now the story reaches to some other level . then I thought to cancel all relationship with the bank .
Inspite of cutting and sending the cards to the bank with a letter almost 2 months back, I am getting a huge number of calls everyday and letters also from hsbc threatening to discontinue my card and put me on the defauters list.After that I am getting some threatning calls also , for that I am thinking to change my mobile numbers .
Mumbai 22