Hsbc is a seriously dysfunctional bank that exists for the sole purpose of making money by ripping off its customers. Charging for(high) quality of service and products is not a concept they comprehend at any level . My experience with their credit card section though was much better compared with the bank. Largely I guess because I never really had to interact with them. They would send the bill and I would pay it in full . Hsbc bank is an altogether different story. They are the most inefficient, brazen, customer insensitive organization( not just in banking sector) I have encountered.
Anyway I stopped using my Hsbc card several months ago . Last week I received a bill for Rs 0.79 . Yes, 79 paise . When I saw the bill in the post I first thought that there may have been some unauthorized usage of the card due to which I have received a bill . I have to now enquire whether they have a piggy bank at the branch where I can drop a 1 Rupee coin to settle this o/s. I will allow them to keep the change. If the bank is desperate enough to print and courier a bill for an o/s of 79 paise they definitely need charitable contributions from customers( as well as get their heads examined . It costs more to print and courier a bill for this value)
(the bill received was a surprise because in the intervening months since I stopped using the card there was no statement being received)