First they trap you by saying "free for life card" sir, no annual fee nothing. Be warned that this is the only bank which has the highest charges for everything. Annual Fee, late payment fee(if you forget to make payment), interest rates, every thing is costly here. The customer service is better than others
I took this classic card 3 years back. I was told that there is no annual fee for the card. They refunded the annual fee first two years saying "you are a privilege customer".This time they refused to refund the annual fee. Reason: There is no free card given by HSBC it seems. In spite of same spending pattern I am no more in their privilege customer list I guess.
To be in their privilege list you should pay them big interest rates for a few months atleast. I am in loss by using their credit card. The annual fee for a classic card is Rs 700/- and for gold card is Rs 2000/-
Its all loss and no gain
Dont buy this card. Be happy with your debit card.