Well this is the first time I bought a Windows Mobile based phone. Earlier I was a slave to Symbian and life never existed beyond it. Like everyone I also was the biggest fan of Nokia phones, until I bought this. My whole perception of what a phone is totally changed. Special advice to Iphone users. Ur phone is like a lil baby in front of WM based phone and that too a Touch HD.
Well the day I got this phone in my hands, I was not happy with the weight which stands at around 150 grams. Pretty heavy. But as I had a 360 degree view of it, I started falling in love with it. The boldness, aura, distinctive are the words that started flashing in my mind.
Well switch on this beast and see the speed at which it can handle any apps or programs. Thanks to a great list of specifications(Wont describe here. Its pretty long. Try googling).
It has got some really useful apps like weather and I really love the animations it shows with each type of weather forecast. You must be aware as this is a Windows phone, u get all the goodies like Microsoft Office with editing options for free. Nokia can just view the docs, cant edit.
Key feature:
*Battery: Its superb. Use it daily for an hour to browse net, check mails every 2 hours, 20-25 calls, some games and still I get a life for 2 days.
Network strength: Great. Even in basements u get crystal clear calls.
GPS: Gets GPS signals in less than 15 secs.
GPRS: Connects in less than 5 secs.
Browser: Opera Mobile. Supports flash too.
Just one tiny speaker hidden neatly near the camera, still u get good sound and if u arent satisfied u can easily tweak the registry and get more bang.*
Another thing I like is that this phone is a boon for gizmo freaks like me. I got the site https://xda-develepors.com and my whole world just changed. I can customize my phone FULLY. I can change the OS, the User Interface, the ram pagepool.the list is long.
One really gr8 feature is the Windows MyPhone serveice. Just backup anything from ur phone on windows server so if u ever loose ur phone or delete something accidentally, then u always have a ready backup at WWW which u can access from ur phone or from ur PC.
I was pretty disappointed with the lack of flash but hey WM are targetted as Business phones but I dont agree. Its a great tool to play with if u are in love with gadgets.
Another gr8 thing is loads of apps that u can find for this phone. U can also get a VLC media player.
Well thats just a small summary of this phone. Enjoy.