It is phone which is very sleamest and smartest which has 2 gb ram and16 gb rom in it is a branded phone which is made in asia and other part of india and has many feature which you will not find in other one. it has wether meter which show the weather condition of weather of your locality.
it has 13megapixel camera and 8 megapixel front camera which is best for selfie in HTC because it has soo high quality camera that can capture picture in night with his flash light which is also available it desire 820.
it aslo give the feature of changing font in it and also have calling senser it also do not have any button in it it is fully HD touch screem.
it will also will not hank even if we will play games or use internet in it because it has 2Gb of ram in it.
now it also has given the latest update of the operating system.
if you are thinking that this will have a very high price it is just for 21000rs and also available at any store.
please buy and use it .it is a OSm phone I give full warrenty that you will love it as I am also using it from last 3 years