I read couple of reviews before buying this phone. Though I could not find any on mouthshut, other reviews were quite favourable. However, I was disappointed a month after I bought the phone. It started behaving eratically. The phone used to hang and sometimes I was forced to remove the battery to shut it down. It also used to reset itself to the original factory settings and wipe off memory including my contacts(Thank god I had another phone and I cound reload my contacts from that). Got it repaired twice within 4 months for this issue. This may be an issue with my handset only though.
Another isse is the battery life. Would not last for more than 16 hours for average use.(Around 1 hour talktime, 30 minutes surfing).
Phone also heats up.Service centre says that this is not a battery problem, this phone generally heats up.
As far as support goes, HTC provides replacement only within 14 days(as per their service centre, not written anywhere)
Would not recommend.