I bought HTC Desire S after detailed research and prefered it over the Samsung Galaxy S because of all aluminimum tough body and 2.3 Android launch.
Phones initial impression was amazing and it ticked all the right boxes interms of external and internal features.
However with 4 month, my phone simply hanged and when tries to re-boot it simply refused to reboot for 10-15 times and finally surrenderd and died.
HTC service centre has diaognosed that motherboard needs to be replaced and now I feel completely shattered after spending 23000/- on this phone and within 4 months getting its motherboard replaced.
This simply shows that HTC is still not on that level to compete with Apple in terms of robust build quality. My wife is using her iphone 3G for past 3 years including the mis-handling by my kids and has still survived so far.
Where as my HTC has never ever been touched by my kids and still it just feel to its own grave on its own.;