I hed Purchese this Product above one month before from VIJAY Sales (Littal Woard Mall ) KharGhar Mumbai. there is lots off Problem in this phone 1, Phone is off even I just put on Table, 2, Camera fuction is very Bed 3, SMS Fuction NOT User Frendly, 4 Email Setting not done even I was go Parsonaly at HTC service Center At ViKroli Mumbai.
And Many Other Problem is There.
1, Why did you purchase this product? For Email Chacking But This is Not Happand .
2 What do you like and dislike about this product? SMS Function ON OFF Botton. GPRS
3 Why did you choose this brand over the others? recom. by Shopkepper
Why did you choose this brand over the others?
Why did you choose this brand over the others?
Why did you choose this brand over the others?
Why did you choose this brand over the others? Keep your review informative Share your true experience Avoid abusive or offensive language Avoid personal information (email, phone number, address) Use Bold and Italics where required Check your grammar and punctuation Avoid ALL CAPS while writing reviews. Its similar to someone shouting in your ear Use the Word formatting tool next to the B and I icons, to format your review Remember, well formatted review invites more readers!