I wont write the complete story about the features it has.But Ill concentrate on the fetures it should have had but are absent it HTC 3452.
Within 2 months after I took the phone (I purcahsed the phone in Jan 08 from chroma, vashi, navi mumbai) the charger was not working properly, my handsfree wasmalfunction (only one side sound was audible), USB cable was loose due to which PC didnt detected my phone.
Servicing - If your phone needs a servicing or a part replacement then you are in a HELL.
my experince -
*1. Phone display damage -
* My phoness display got damage once, I gave my phone in service centre (RT outsourcing , Vikhroli , Mumbai) they told it will take one week.
Along with that I also told them that my charger is not proper, may be there is a problem with charger or connector on the phone.They said ok well check the phone connector.
No one called me from the service centre (which they promised), I followedup and collected my phone.I tried calling up atleast 25 times and then once they picked up the call.
I got my phone after the display change.It was working fine, else of the charger problem.Now they asked me to keep the charger with them, which I would have expected them to take when I came there first time.
- Charger problem. -*
Now I was told that I would get the charger in 3 days.I calledup after 3 days they said that they havent received the replacement which was expected from thaiwan.This process repeated for about two weeks and after me following up with HTC servce centre and call centre , atlast after two weeks I got the charger back.
*3. Handsfree problem -
*I gave my handsfree for replacment last satruday (02-Aug-08) and was expected to recieve it on Wednesday.I had just called them on tuesday to get the status.The person who pickedup the call said that "We have not recieved the replacment and its expected in next 10 days".
I dont have any other option then waiting and watching. ;-(
Servicing is very unprofessional and not up to the mark.Many people who came for servicing were unhappy with the servicing.Female sitting at the reception throws so much of attitude as if they have distributed the phones for free.
I have even wrote to HTC regarding this, But the failed to reply back.
*Feature and performance expected
1.** According to the specs on paper the phone seems to be very prowerful and fast.But its just on paper.Phone is really very very slow.
2. IE explorer opens only one site at a time.There is no multiple tab option.
3. Time is displayed in 24 hrs format, there is not 12 hrs format.(eg: displays 19:00 for 7 pm)
4. Typing messages or anything is very difficult.
5. To send sms to multiple ppl you need to add one person at a time.Cant add multiple no.s from contact list.
6. MediaPlayer doesnt allows positioning on songs in Playlist.
7. Cant select and send multiple files over bluetooth.
8. Sometimes mail attachements are not send with the mail.
9. Cant use handsfree while charging, since both has connect to a single connector.
10. Battery drains very very quickly.