Maybe there are those systems of wecare... I have enrolled into their SCM course from IIT, Bombay. As per their ebrochure the registration was to end on 11Dec and course to start in mid-Jan 2009. I did everything in time, including payment of the course fees as per their schedule i.e. before 31/12/08. To my amazement, I was being asked if I want to enroll again on 08/01/09!!!!
It clearly means that they themselves do not stick to their schedule and the reason being lack in getting viable candidates for the course.
Since then I am repeatedly being communicated (efficiently at least) that the start of the course will be on 08/02, then 15/02 and now its still uncertain. The course has yet to start. It is almost Feb end.
This is purely purely purely a business which Hughes is running or rather trying to run, which they are inefficient in. I shall be hunting for getting the right contact to their US parent company, so that they seriously do something about this division.