Clouds of deceit
Weigh down the Sky,
Bereft of
Any Humility.
Ashes of hope,
Burn in silence.
My wife tugged and pulled me to get out of the theatre. But the sucker that I am for The-Syruppy-Ending Hindi films, I pushed her to the edge-of-the-seat. No, no guys, Humraaz had no real Killing moments, it is my penchant for finishing off a movie. Anyhow! Just for you guys. After all......
You people might question me as to why I wrote that serious poem at the beginning of It All. Well, the reason is simple. The subject matter of Abbas Mustan directed Trrrilller had so much to delve deep into. But it just leaves you Spent with its idiotic ideosyncracies.
The story is no Titanic. For cruising along on the starry sea doesnt make it exciting. A performer gets another performer to perform magic on The Richest business tycoon. The simpleton Richie Rich falls head over heels in love with the stupid antics of this oh-so-adorable girl next door with a beautiful face and a great body. And marries her.
The performer has The perfect plan to get the couple divorced and make loads of moolah in the court bargain. But the unblemished love of the simpleton darts into the heart of the pretty girl-next-door. Tables turn. Conspiracy is hatched. A not-so-perfect murder takes place. Lots of rona dhona and ladai dhadai takes place. And off course, the ending is to-your-liking too. Afterall, you ought to have a good day at the office next day. Isnt it!
Not really. For, Humraaz is a Blemish. One is kept wondering as to when the mysterious mystery shall unfold. But, I guess the director duo havent heard of that word. Firstly, the build up is painstakingly long. And then the climax falls flat on the face with a simpering thud.
I must say, the only positive point of this flick is Akshaey Khanna. In his first negative role, Khanna Junior excels brilliantly. His freshness is like the morning cloud winking at the first rays of the Himalyan sun. Amisha Patel looks hot in parts, but she is no actress yet. Bobby Deol is fine. But, he has been effortlessly eclipsed by Akshaeys chutzpah.
The music is bad. And except for Bardasht Nahin Kar Sakta and maybe a couple of more, it is a very bad music score. There was a huge scope for dialogues in this movie. For deceit, betrayal, love, agony, irony etc. has been elicited artistically in the past. But, artistry in words has surely gone down the drain.
Humraaz, the secret is out. It is Pop-excitement, with little fizz. Watch it at your own risk.