Dear MSians,
This movie, is complete bull manure and I seriously think that Sajid Khan is overdue a turn at the nearest mental institution if he expects the paying public to digest such tripe.
The rubbish that passes for a plot has a rich industrialist(Saif Ali Khan) and his trusted friend(Ritiesh Deshmukh) and the evil uncle(Ram Kapoor) who plots to take over his holdings by getting them both declared as mental cases. This is something that happens to the few brave ones who chose to watch the movie over the weekend!We have an extra-tall Dr. Khan(Nawab Shah) who invents the MAD(mind altering drug) which turns normal individuals into street dogs, for a period of 24 hours per each dose.
Satish Shahs character - Jailer Mr. YM Raj, tries his best to inject some humour but its an uphill task all the way, the self deprecating reference toHimmatwala as a torture media, notwithstanding.
This movie has neither head nor tail and has a lacklustre musical score, aside from the hummableCaller tune.Really sad to see a blue blooded royal like Saif reduced to doing such a trashy role, enacting a mad dog of all things. I vote that viewers boycott all future movies from Sajid Khan if you want to retain your sanity.
A line mouthed by Saifs character in the film may apply to those who end up watching this sorry excuse for a film "Hum paagal nahi hai. Hamara dimaaag kharaab hai."
In the absence of a negative rating, I rate this 1*.