Cartoons had always been the best stress buster for me sincethe time I gained intelligence. My childhood flew by watching so many cartooncharacters like He-man, Mowgli, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Goofy Dog but as agrown up these had disappeared into infinity.
Life was passing by as a busy soul with no time for kiddishstuff until I stumbled on this one on Hungama channel at 9:30 pm oneWednesday. VOILA! I had gone back to my childhood days once again.
Shin Chang is one of the most adorable cartoon characters that I have comeacross. The cartoon is based around a Chinese family which includes a Mom-Dad, their dear son- Shin Chang and his little dog, Shiro. In each story, the littlefellow creates a comic situation with his witty replies and singing, dancingskills.
Shin Chang is defined as a small, chubby, thumb sized boywith thick dark eyebrows who keeps on running around like a jumping jack.
This series is translated in Hindi for everyone’s understanding. I personally like the titletrack and its animation very much. The animation is very vivid and easilyattracts a child’s fantasy. All in all, half an hour well spent infront of theidiot box every evening.
Tune in, Mon-Fri, Hungama channel, 9:30 pm!