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These collection of stories help the reader gain a deeper insight into the heart of men , women and children touching us as deeply as the kind words of a God; the story My Lord , The baby! in which paternal emotions have been studied help the children understand these same emotions , lest the parent be a victim of the childs ignorance . Similarly the stories The Home-coming and Once there was a King help elders who have long lost themselves in the material world to respect the child, his mental wanderings , emotions , passions , his spiritual aspirations , etc. . The Babus of Nayanjore digs deep into your heart and will most most certainly leave an impression on your heart :will make you humble. And there are other stories and all of them dig deep into your heart : their objective is almost the same I believe - to help you find your way back home (to put it my way) . The inscrutable ways of the womans heart have also been thrown light so that women do not continue to be victims of the collective consciousness of society.