You and this beautiful world. Indeed the new HUTCH commercial has made the ad-mad world a beautful place. A look at it, and you are hooked to it. The commercial mystifies your mind from start till end. The commercial is light on your eyes, and has a soothing look to look at.
The Kid, The dog, and the background. It all has a perfect combination. Even the tag line goes along with the commercial, and the background music depicts it all. The commercial has some meaning to be out there. The past commercials of HUTCH were too quite descriptive, and had a meaning. The Concentration was on simplicity and meaning, which was clearly evolved. Unlike some Kar loo duniyan Muthi main commercials, The commercial left behind the technological details, and even not a single mobile is reflected in the commercial, Thats the beauty of the commercial...It depicts what it wants to...
The commercial, had been beautfully conceptualised...Taking a deeper look at it...Depcits the commitments of the company, Regarding there coustomer policy. No matter what They will stick around you and what better model than the mans best friend, So no AR Rehman this time, Its Bow Vow time....