Hutch is one of most hopeless mobile connection in todays world...
it promises std@75 paisa .now when it has got many a subscribers its taking offits offer...
i dont have problme as they are reverting back the offer , what pains me a lot is the hutch misleading..
initially when I had airtel , I got to know abt the offer and approached hutch outlet
i told him abt my calling frequency of STD calls and in reply to that he mislead me saying the offer if taken now will be served for the people till initial charge of coupon gets over .
he moreover tried to persuade me saying the 75 paisa STD may last fro ever...i didnt take the connection be convinced by the stupid argument but as hutch Dealer in NOIDA has given his word abt saying the offer will last atleast the validity of initial that the offer is reverting he is talking back.....
one more problem with hutch is teh guy said hutch to hutch local@49 paisa is freely activated and after I got it activated it costed me 49 ruppees.....
i had no connection for one whole day as this burger didnot send my papers to the concerned authoriyt...when I blasted him out right ..he managed the connection back...
i have lost all hopes and seriously repenting of taking hutch connection....PLEASE if you are considering hutch connection ........think again...n if it is NOIDA ill say plz dont