-> YOU & I, in the beautiful world.
-> where ever you go, our network follows.
->H+I, a cute dog
These all things will flash when a word "hutch" you will hear.
Lets know some details about that which will describe "WHY HUTCH IS BEST CELLULAR SERVICE PROVIDER IN INDIA"
Hutchison Essar in India
*Hutch established its presence in India in 1994 by acquiring the cellular license for Mumbai. It now has operations in 16 circles accounting for 70% of Indias mobile customer base.
Hutchison Essar Limited, with about 18.4 million* customers, is one of the most reputed telecom companies in India. Over the years, it has been named theMost Respected Telecom Company, theBest Mobile Service in the country, and theMost Creative and Most Effective Advertiser of the Year.
*Post paid - very easy to get the connection.
Pre paid - lots of option are there starting from student plan to CUG with attractive layouts.
World Calling cards -
World Calling Cards are prepaid cards that allow you to make STD / ISD calls from your Hutch phone. By using the World Calling Card to make long distance calls, you pay upto 30% lower rates than regular landlines or postpaid / prepaid calls.
Handy phones - available only in delhi/gujrat/mumbai/west bengal/kolkata
Hutch PCO - options available only in chennai, UP, mumbai
*News and updates
Tunes & downloads
Mail, messaging
*Connectivity and Roaming
*You can roam throughout India on a single number. So no matter how far you go, youll always be just a call away, You Get two-way Roaming with your prepaid connection, only on your Hutch Phones. Make and receive calls & SMS from any part of India. National Roaming comes preactivated on your Hutch Phone.You can stay in touch across 35 networks in India.
*Abroad india
*Make and receive calls from any part of the globe, with your Hutch Postpaid connection. Whether its Madurai or Madrid, youll never be more than a simple phone call away.
function openwindow(strSrc, winTop, winLeft, winWidth, winHeight, scrollbars){ mywin=window.open(strSrc, introam, top=+ winTop+, left=+ winLeft+, width=+ winWidth+, height=+ winHeight+, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=+ scrollbars); return false;} Before going abroad, make sure your handset will function in that country. When you pack for the West Indies, dont forget your Hutch phone{for ICC world cup}
Hutch is part of the biggest Mobile Alliance in Asia with a combined customer base of more than 130 million. Being a member of the Alliance will enable us to offer better service standards to customers who travel to Alliance member countries, to see the details visit https://hutch.co.in.
Stay connected across the widest international roaming coverage in the world, with your Hutch Postpaid connection.
International Roaming is now available at a monthly rental of Rs 149 only.
Future plan with VODAFONE
Hutch in India to be renamed as Vodafone Essar. The new company will be known as Vodafone-Essar.Today Vodafone is the world’s leading international mobile telecommunications group with equity interests in 27 countries across 5 continents, 186.8 million proportionate customers and 33 partner networks. Vodafone works hard to mobilise tomorrows world, but we need your input. You’re our partners in innovation – you help us shape the future. In the Vodafone Future Vision web site you can explore what we think that future might look like, experience some of the changes we believe will happen, and tell us what you think about them.