Ouch ! aaah mommy , my ear hurts .... well , thats what u get if u listen to cussing words on a high volume , plus that too if ure listening to Hard rock / metal / blak metal or whatveer u call it . Linkin Park Hybrid Theory is a must have album , and I say it without any sort of hastles , hesitation. It doesnt matter waht genre u like , may it be rap rock , simple rock , hard rock , POP or any other genre.. ure sure to like linkin park , cus linkin park is not a part of any one of these genres. Shocked ? Well dont be , im speaking the truth. Well , Linkin Park is an awesome compilation of rap , rock , metal , hip hop , pop , alternative metal. All of these ingredients gel together to give you one awesome song.
I first bought the Hybrid Theory Cd ... listening to it for the first time made me feel what crap is this ?
Well , soon , I gave it a thought , I heard it again... and again.. and again.. and again ! The songs were so catchy , that I couldnt resist them even if I summoned up all my might !
Chester Bennington: vocals
Rob Bourdon: drums, backing vocals
Brad Delson: guitars, bass, backing vocals
Joseph Hahn: records, sampling, backing vocals
Mike Shinoda: emcee, vocals, beats, sampling
Yes , this is linkin park. Chestor Bennington is the lead ROCK singer , if I may call him so. Mike Shinoda is the person with the most awesome voice for hardcore rock rap !
The rest of the band members are also quiet good at their THING . Both their albums range from 35-40 minutes. Thats all , so instead of having useless no audible songs , they decided to have limited , small , good songs ! Meteora is shorter than the other two with just 36 minutes of clasy stuff .
Frankly , I got bored with the same old cussing and dj vj stuff opn limp bizkit and other tracks. So I said , why not linkin park ?
Well , On Hybrid Theory , my favourite track has to be in the end As a matter of fact , I like the lyrics so much , that I used in in my board exams as a part of my essay !! Really, the rap , the rock part of this song is awesome.
The other Must-Have song on their second albu , ( Meteora ) is SOMEWHERE I BELONG .: Veryy good rap stuff by mike shinoda , lyrics are awesome ! youll keep humming this tune !
Its the perfect example of how rap blends and gells nicely with rock.
Well , I wont keep braggin about the many songs on the ir two albums , but I will give u a list of MUST HAVES linkin park songs.
One Step Closer : The only HARD CORE ROCK track on this album I guess. Very good song , u can take out all your frustrations with this song.
Points of Authority ( watch its video sometime ) : Very good song with awesome beats , you can actually dance to it , the bass product is so good !
Crawling : This seems to be a slow hindi type sad song with the pianos in the starting , but as the song rogresses , the melody , rock keeps increasing the then the actual face of the song appears. Good song this , good lyrics !
Runaway : This is yet another song which u might want to listen to when ure angry or frustrated ! It speaks your mind ! Good fast pacy peppy song ! Youll like it !
Dont Stay ( Meteora ) : Good lyrics ! Good pace , good guitar work !
The best quality that linkin park has inculcated is the fact that they write good lyrics , a song is nothing without meaning , and tahts what theyve understood well. The present generation will enjoy these songs , as it partly is written for them , by a very young talented group !
Well , thats it for me , good bye , and hey , can someone do me a favour ? can someplease please explain how I can write in bold and italic ?