first of all sorry to all because I do not have any negative points about LINKIN PARK or about any of their album .....
really I am not really musically qualified enough to describe anything bad in this band or in HYBRID THEORY ........
once I heard the Name Linkin Park and I thought either it is Screaming rock band or just singing Lullaby kind of pop band ....
then I got to hear IN THE END and mind was completely boggled ....i mean I thought what is this. ....this kind of music I never heard .....really it is a fusion of everything expect indian instruments ....disc jockey , lead guitarist , 2 vocalists .....i mean everything is present at their best .....and suddenly I got a fetish for Linkin park .....
with Chester screaming like Hell I sometimes feel howcome this guy is always try to take his innnerself out ...innerself means not innerfeelings but inner parts of the body as he screams so hard that his nerves and veins seeems to come out .....but what a way to sing ......completely ....blasting ......
then I got to hear crawling again completely flattered by the song with lot of thinking to the lyrics and special video ...marvellous ....
then I thought lets give a try to the whole album ......i started collecting all songs by one ....
Points of Authority always remained a mytery for me as I dont know what song is this ....and what r the lyrics so I could not find out who sang this which band .....and when I came to know ..... it is Linkin Park .....then I thought this Band is of my type ....this song truly Hyper zonic song and lyrics are truly marvellous .....
Place for my head , Be Myself etc so many songs in the album Hybrid Theory but all them too goo to campare with any one else ......this band is always special for me .....
Lyrics are given a lot of thoughts ..... and also the music also .....truly best for the lyrics .....
one thing I can say ....if you like Linkin Park you will like all songs by them .....there is nothing like which one is the best .....and if you Dont likeem you will not like more than 1 or 2 songs ....
its like either you love them or you hate them .........
So many songs of them I donno from which album they r ..but I got a good collection of them ....