havin spent most of my life in hyderabad I can assure the authenticity of this information and hope it ll be useful to you..
Hyderabad is among the most cosmopolitan cities in india and arguably the best managed among this elite group.The city has managed to evolve into cyberabad without losing on the charm of hyderabad.The city offers a variety of tourist spots ranging from picturesque lakes like the hussainsagar and the osmansagar to forts like the golcondaand palaces like those at falaknama..The new beauties like the ramoji film city and the elite madhapur area housing the nift, BITS(gettin ready) and the cyber corridor only add to the existing beauty of the city made famous by the charminar.
The best part is the very easy transportation available. Comfortable and cheap too.. The whole city is well connected by an intricate network of buses and the multimodal transport system(high speed trains).U have buses every minute!im afraid this is not the same wid trains as buses are usually preffered.
The city has grown a lot in the recent years and now is a prominent IT hub.Everybody seems to be interested in the city right from Bill Gates to Bill clinton to George Bush recently.. These visits have had a great impact, positive ofcourse, in the form of the manyfold increase in the beautification of yhe city..So much that when I visited delhi I was surprised to see it wasn better than hyderabad(true)!! Frankly I still am not sure what attracts the americans though.. They make it a point to make the city an important part of their visit. We gettin our own international airport , are bidding for F1 and gettin a US consulate..
This marvel of a city can only be experienced by visiting it.You might even make it your home. All I wish to say is, welcome to hyderabad!