As a rock and hard rock fan, whom has accepted it like the blood flowing in his veins, i just wanted to remind you of another milestone album in rock history which has made the hard rock fans the happiest community in the world once upon a time.
After releasing the album Pyromania in 1983 and making all the eyes turn on them, in 1987 August, after a long waiting period, they exploded the Hysteria bomb!!Selling nearly 15 million copies all over the world, the album carried the band into the Hall Of Fame of the rock music history.
The most striking track was probably Pour Some Sugar On Me that it kicked everyone off their seats and made them pass by themselves.Keeping its rhytm and speed throughout the song, this track was settled in the goldies class of hard rock.Drums and electronic guitars dominated the track from the beginning to the end, giving the song its special taste.All the group elements had been involved in creating the lyrics and music except the drummer Allen.
Some of the other songs of attention were as follows:Rocket, Animal, Love Bites, Women, Armageddon It and of course Hysteria.Rocket was in the second place after Pour Some Sugar On Me being another rhytmic song.Though being one of the longest tracks on the album, it never bored the listener and could be listened over and over again.Again all of the group musicians had participated in the lyrics and music.
Another one that should certainly be mentioned is Love Bites.A slow track that was impressive for its lyrics as much as its melody, showing the talent of the group on making romantic songs.If youve got love in your sights, watch out love bites...
The songs Animal, Armageddon It, Women were also fabulous hard rock songs reflecting the bands outstanding style of rock!!
The track Hysteria which also gave its name to the album, also deserves attention and praise, although included in the second part of the album.This song has an atmosphere and style different than the other tracks, especially the leading ones.
Hysteria, the best album which Def Leppard had produced was a real milestone in rock and band history as well.The fans would recognize the difference of performance of the band between those years and present.The band is like an aircraft searching for a place to land after all those brilliant fights.
I want to end with some more lyrics from the song Love Bites:Do you tell lies and say that its forever?Do you think twice or just touch and see?
P.S.:Will strike back with more reviews of goldies..