I have a sporty RED Viva for the past 4 years. I fixed LPG to it after the first year and found my purse to bulge. Its always been great fun and economical. When I first asked the dealer he instently refused to comment or help. But after so long I feel I did the right thing. It runs at 2 Rs. a Km which is cheaper than Dls. Its fast smooth and costs much lesser on maintanence. Your tyre lasts much longer and so on and so fourth.
Any help regarding the above I can help. Somthig that I learnt is to always use petrol to start and run untip the engine gets hot this also helps to lubricate all valvs and sensors and only then shift to LPG. This realy helps . U must use petrol as often as possible to keep your car dual fuel user. Rest assured u only find a 10% or even lesser difference in power compared to Petrol. Why spend 7 to 8 for a CRDI when u can run cheaper for a long run comparing maintanence cost of Diesel and Petrol.