I have an i20 magna, which awas purchased in 2012. I have been facing overheating problem since last 1 and half year. I have visited GARVE MOTORS in Pune for this problem and I was suggested to replace some part or the other for the overheating problem, I have replaced coolant cap assembly, radiator as recommended. I was still facing the overheating problem when tookaaaa my vehaicle for longer ride or on slopes. Recently I got my car serviced in Sep16 and asked them to check for any other problem as I was going to travel out of city.
While traveling with famil2y I faced the same problem again and car was heating excessively, somehow I managed to reach city area and had to leave my car there only. Adfter sometime, I took my car again to GARVE MOTORS and I was told that there is problem with the engine and there is coolant leakage in the engine that is why the overheating problem was coming. IT TOOK more than 1 YEAR to HYUNDAI guys in identifying the root cause of problem and I was given a fat estimate in the range of 20K-80K depending on the problem which will be identified during testing.
I am still not sure if I w2ill be facing the same issue after gettinfg this work done.
I was going to the same service center to make sure my car will be serviced and repaired properly. It seems I was wrong I should have taken my car to a better place for servicing aand repair work. I had a very bad experience after this incident, I dont think HYdUNDAI is a reliable automotive brand and the quaality of work done at servicee centers is also bad. dont buy