I had a feel of Getz recently.
I was amazed by its Value for Money. Its interiors are spacy and does not have any RIVAL to match its room. Swift should feel ashamed of its much acclaimed prowess in terms of reach and penetration, given its(swift) FRUGAL space and low cave-like seating ingress & egress too.
Getz scores well ahead of its rival Swift. How & why & what hasinspired Swifties is a million dollar question!?
Perhaps, Hyundai has not made sincere efforts by way of pricing and Ads, to quell Swifts penetration into its turf.
A well deserved Ad Campaign against Swift, would have conviced the poor-swifties, tilting their buying decision in favour of Getz.
Getz is really a great Car for the family of 5+ for a week end or for a shopping in the City. Besides 4 can go for a long drive too, to the adjacent city, say to Bangalore, Madurai or Hyderbad, in a Getz. Can Swift claim this much luggage and boot space besides convenience?
Getz individualised suspensions both on the front and rear is impeccable. The steering is very light and convenient, to manuovre in City conditions. Unlike Swift, it has good overall shapes.
The roof could have been bit taller, which would improve its Majesty on the Road. Puddle lamps, Voice Help and Cockpit-like console, would place it ahead of competition.
An agressive pricing of GLS at Rs.4.4 lac would wean the prospects from Swift to Getz.
As of 6/3/2007, the much leaked successor of Getz, would discourage the prospective buyers. The die-hard Getz admirer like me would advise a few months wait for the new/improved Getz to arrive, than to settle for the current one, which is paired with Samsung LCD TV & other year-end freebies on offer!?
Why Hyundai failed to pitch up its campaign well ahead is a disappointing fact for the Getz & a lesson too for HMIL. Better late than never.
It is a perfect second car, after mastering the roads with Altos, 800s or Santros.
Lets await the new Getz!