Its been almost 2 years with my getz , its a 1.3l, gvs model. I had a huge crush on this vehicle for quite sometime till the day I bout it, and from them its love and lust for my car. a car thats sexy on the looks, spacious inside , fold able rear seats that can accommodate anything u wanna take away from this planet and the power to always be the first from a signal. . the first thing anyone learns in this car is wheel spin, coz with that enormous 80 + bhp under the hood, a slight balance off the clutch can spin ur wheels like a pro ;-)
The space inside is heavenly, theres no car in this segment ( xcpt for i20) which is this spacious . I could accommodate 3 of my friends ( 2 of them weigh 100 + and one 80- 90 ) in the rear and still touch 130 , and yet none complained of choking over space.
The driving pleasure is awesome, u would get the feel of driving more, has a sleek and long dash board that gives u a good driving feel. its airy in the front. except for few blind spots u feel u have a nice command over the road.
Thrs a saying, hyundai almost went broke when they had to offer getz the same way they did in europe. it has that class and the plastics are of nice quality, it feelsEuropean.
Take my word. go for a getz ;-)