As I said in this car leg room is so small that the previous model of i10 is better than this bcz when anybody wants to sit in a relax manner he/she cant be able to relax ????.
Now comes about mileage it is little bit good but as comparison to its previous model its very bad.
This car is only for 4 person to sit at a time and if one more people added in this or even the lugage is added its get discomfort for us , also its back side look is also not so good. This car looks good only in postures but if u buy it u r throwing your money in like a dustbin.
Now comes dealer satisfaction my dad bought this and within 3 months its break system got cozy means fail to work , the dealer satisfies my dad by saying that he will repair it but at last after using it for 10months my dad sold it .
My appeal is simple that its worst car ever brought up in market by hyundai in indian market.