To one and all who are intending to buy Hyundai(Grand i-10) car please do not purchase this car as there seems to be some valid manufacturing fault which is causing the malfunctioning of the other components.
My car problem initially started with the battery draining issue which was then replaced with the battery and further software upgrade. But the issue is still not resolved permanently as three times again I had experienced battery draining issue in my car.
Now it is affected the malfunctioning of other components. The odometer is not showing correct petrol reading, seat belt icon sometimes displays even after fastening the seat belt. The gear has become really hard giving unexpected tick sound from the bottom.
The first servicing is also over but Hyundai technical team and dealer service is unable to rectify these issues permanently and HMIL is now hiding the true facts from the customer saying "Car is perfectly fine and it is meeting all the parameters of the standard set by HMIL."
Now I have decided to proceed legally to get my full refund.