Let me have the privlidge of doing a critical analysis of the i10 in terms of the car (product features) and secondly in terms of the Salers & Services
*Product Wise
1) International Looks*
2) Features which are truly world class (less than 5 lacs category) - Awesome in Interiors, EPS, Tiltes Steering Wheel, Brakes, Gear Shift, More space for storing nicks & nacks
In case of people sitting on the fence while deciding between a tame Maruti product as compared to Hyundai, I am sure the Sales force from Hyundai must be having a walk in the park always as this product beats most of them hands down.
I suggest that people to test drive it for at least 10 kms (open road, turns, uneven road) with at least 2 passengers to evaluate the exact behavior of the cars.
One caution though the glare in the windshield is tremendous and the folks wearing glass/spectacles might be challenged too much. This is a design flaw already registered at Hyundai Center and they are working towards it. Glare is primarily due to the Beige interior coupled with the angle of the Windshield and is very prominent in the Southern suns.
To avoid - each man/driver to himself
*Service (Before and After Sales)
*Bought it from Trident Hyundai, got the whole deal wrapped up and delivered in 5 days time. That is a record for poor retail customer does not fitting in any food chain of Hyundai or local dealer. Demo is still pending and due to the rush-rush job, I have overpaid Trident by 2K which I have to get it back from them.
Also noted is the clutch adjustment (car shakes a bit in the first gear while negotiating a turn) problem as well as noise from the rear right door. Sales Manager has promised to personally visit and inspect it tomorrow so keeping my fingers and toes crossed that they acknowledge it and provide some course correction