This is my first review in MouthShut, so hopefully I am up to the mark in expressing my personal experience in using the product.
I had purchased my i10 Magna from Talwar Hyundai, Hyderabad in March 2008, so its been almost 8 months since I am driving my i10 and I must say its a wonderful car in this segment with no major drawbacks. The cars that I considered before buying i10 were Getz, U-VA and Swift and this is what I felt about these cars before I decided on i10.
Getz - Nice car but was concerned about mileage and moreover I didnt really like the looks.
U-VA - Was concerned about mileage, after sales service and expensive spares
Swift - This one was a strong contender but I decided against it coz personally I didnt like the looks and was not as spacious as it looks from outside. Also I didnt feel comfortable when I test drove it being a 6 tall guy.
So I made up my mind to go for i10 because of the looks, rich interiors, driving comfort, space inside and ofcourse gear lever position. I really felt the space inside is better than most of the cars in this segment. I have done close to 4000 kms so far and I have been really enjoying driving this car. The only drawbacks that I felt so far are less boot space and the well known dashboard reflection but I am very used to this now and I dont really think its a major concern. I also felt the rare suspension was not very smooth.
I owned before a Santro and Zen estilo and I personally felt the driving comfort is better when compared to these cars.
Regarding the mileage I get 13.5 kmpl in dense Hyderabad city traffic with 30% AC on, and I had actually gone for a long drive of 700 km to and fro and I got 17.5 kmpl with 60% AC on, so thats fair enough though not very great. Also I touched 100 during the long drive though not crossed, and the car was very steady and smooth.
As far as the dealer is concerned, I had a decent experience so far though not very great. Unfortunately there were no discounts what soever when I bought this car in March but I managed to get the basic mp3 player free.
Hope the review is useful to some extent atleast and I would definitely recommend this car those who are looking for a good compact car and ready to shed few thousands more when compared to other cars in the same segment.