Guys this review story. You need to have couple of minutes more to go through my comments:)
I had been reading a lot of car reviews by actual Car users, rather than depending on Magazines as I will get to know exact good and bad things about cars and the mouthshut which I was relying more on.
I finally made up mind when I saw i10. The interiors, the integrated stereo though I did not liked monocolor display for stereo, the SunRoof, the Front seat head rest Design, the Dashboard, interior colors, the Front Grill, so many of them really impressed me.
First I wanted to go for Magna but I could not resist the sunroof and sleek integrated Stereo. So Finally after lot of discussion with friends, colleagues, fight with wife and couple of visits to showroom I decided to spend a lac more.
The show room though could not keep the promise of the color what I book, did managed to deliver sunroof model with different color. Anyway I sacrified the color to get car on the day I wanted too. Every time I saw the car for first few days, I missed the color I wanted to go for but I got used to it and I no longer think about color.
with the Top end model I was excited to drive on streets with no similar top end model running around. I am proud my car is different from other cars.:)
I decided to go for long drive from Hyderabad and my total up and down was 500 kms. I had been driving Omni from Maruti for almost 3 years. This is my first high end car comared to Van. The feeling is so different. The Seating, the Power steering, ABS etc etc. All were amazing.
I am craze of driving night. So left HYD around 10:00 pm and went to Reliance to have quality and quantity assured. After hike I did knew what the price was in reliance, I asked to pump for 1000/-. The moment I heard the rate per liter, I said thanks and moved to a km away for BP and poured 1000/-. Now with car stomach full, set to hit the highway. Wow! for the first time I pressed the Throttle just like a racing car. The exitment did not last for long with many lorries lined up side by side. Either they go nor they allowed me to go. The major dissopintment came with the power i10 lacked much was the pickup, 4th to 3rd gear. The car would cry to move, it goes like 10 tonne loaded Truck. It really struggles to pull. Very disspointing for me. The Van had good response in 3rd gear.
So continuing the highway, I reach the fresh Black Top road and pitch Dark with high beam vehicle coming opposite. Here comes another dissointment. The lights were so dim even with High Beam. Absolutely of no use for highways unless there is no opposite vehicles. I switched on Fog, toggled to High beam, still I think I could not make the opposite driver uncomfortable so that he switch to low beam. Again the bulbs provided by Maruti in my Van was very good. I immediately thought I should change the bulds to Halogene.(might not be allowed by RTA). Anyway I struggled whole night cursing the bulds brightness quality.
The 5th gear I sometimes I felt it is smooth compared to 4th but sometimes I felt no difference and sometimes 5th was more like lower than 4th. Some how I didnot feel that smooth sound in 5th.
As it was just 100 kms done, I did not want to go beyond 80kmh. Made 200 kms in good 3.5 hour approx with 1/2 break in one of reliance hotel next to their petrol bunk on highway. Good and nominal rates and good and neat place I would recomend to eat when you see one on your travel.
So I halted around 3:30 am in one of my friend place for good 4 hour sleep. Next day I drew the most horrible road I would have every driven. This is where I fel the difference. The Smoothness with which the car cruized. No rattling(new car though), no sound of engine passing to cabin(when windows closed) good shocks, not much passed to steering or to the seats. The bumpy drive and abstacles was effortlessly done. Much happier facies on my friends and other person who accompanied me that day morning. 40 kms on such roads one would expect to cover in 1 hour to 1 hours 15 mts. We did that in almost 1 hour driving sometimes as slow as 20 kmh for stretch of 4-5 kms. So good shocks there made this stretch very comfortable.
We visited temple, had good lunch. Time to drive back same 40 kms stretch with Hot sun. Now it is testing time for Air Conditioner. Though reluctant to use a/c considering mileage(not to save petrol, but want to check the mileage for whole trip without ac) there was no choice as car was heated up after parking in hot sun, and good lunch forced to have a/c on.
When I switched on a/c I did not had idea the pulling would effect drastically. I know it will effect but not to the extent I faced. It was now 4 people in the car, I kept a/c to the mid range and blower to 2. No way. Absolutey no effect. Increased blower to 3. Not satisfied yet. Now increased a/c to full mode and blower to 4. ooooooooooo the vibration I could feel on clutch, on throttle and on the car body. What was that. I was amazed is that a fan or the propellor. I was very dissointed with the vibration at 4. But no choice as I wanted to air to reach back seat. The thing that satisfied me little was the a/c with full mode did amazing job. It was cool very fast. Wonderful I thougt. Something compesated the dissapointmen fo vibration. I will check with Hyundai service station when I go for 1st service.
Now coming back to pickup. As I mentioned the 3rd was most irrritating to me .Absolutely no pickup. Absoutely no response from the engine the one would expect when you go to lower gears. The zoooom factor lacked. With the a/c in running in full capacity, the car was struggling and was pleading to me. "Please drive me in 2nd gear even small uphill and dont hurt me in 4 or even 3". So with a/c in full swing, and 4 people, do ever think you will have smoot 3rd or 4th gear on slightest of slightest uphill. I know I cannot expect, but uphill is not even I think 25 or 30 degree inclination for 500 mts. Well that is all about a/c and car load.
There was some luggage and I felt the boot space suficient enough to fit our nominal luggage. Well I think that is sufficient space for a couple of days journey. I am a highway man. I would drive long trips so always would like to store a water cooler and lots of eatables and good amout of clothes. I felt that was sufficient. But the only concern was can any one open the back hatch when I stop at signals(just in case) was my concern. I think we dont have lock I believe. Am I right! It opens along with other 4 doors. I felt no security for my luggage when the car is still.
Okay now about mileage. I was watching gauge meter every 25 -30 kms to see how much it is dropping down. On Highway it was reluctant to go down which gave me confidence I am getting mileage. In 40 kms stretch and with a/c and with 4 people, I felt I was free fall and Obviously it should be as it was single road though I forgot to mention this. Every time I need to get off the road for every opposite vehicle and the overtaking bigger sturdy vehicles compared to my small car. So that is what I said the shocks obsorbed all those beatings when I used to get off and on the road regularly.
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Rest of my experience in next review . To continue