I bought i10 Magna 1.2L, after some research. There are contradictory opinion about this car, few people are happy with Mileage and performance, others are not. Well I fall in the 2nd category. After purchase of the car I realized the mileage is very poor.
Initially I thought its my driving which is wrong, or may be the petrol pump where I fill is cheating. But alas, when I talked to the service station guys, they also said that i10 1.2 L doesnot give good mileage in city, and anything around 12-13 km/lt should be good. But I always get around 11km/lt, which is really very disappointing.
I even asked my friend to drive my car for few days, he also got a similar fuel efficiency. I really am very disappointed with Hyundai, how can they promise a mileage around 20, and in reality we dont even get 15. I will be going for my 3rd service very soon, hope things improves.
Oh also, one more thing, the car is very sensitive, even a small impact will give u a big dent!!! Poor design.