I am Software Eng working in a reputed company in Chennai. I bought a i20 - Sportz -Petrol - model from HMP guindy chennai in jul 2010. After seeing the reviews in one of the television and new trendy look of the i20 I got this based on my budget. But now I am realising that what a bad decision I made in my life. The vehicle is vibrating very badly after 5000 km itself I am felling like sitting in the Auto-rickshaw while standing in the signal and now the vehicle performance is not that great after 15000 km and . Contemporary models like POLO and FABIA are far better than i20 in terms of few comparisions like Mileage, service and style are the same. but you never feel the vibration at all. Hyundai service people are trying convince me saying that its a common problem in all i20 that they cannot rectify the vibration issue.
I am STRONGLY recommending NOT TO BUY I20.
If any one have any question you guys always can reach me. eversri@gmail.com by Sri