Fours months back from now (starting Jan 2010), I with my friends used to enter every showroom in city (Trichy/Tamilnadu) and test drive cars ranging from 5 to 15 laks budget. I finally drove i20 Diesel ASTA.
That is what I call a CAR.. The diesel torque, the silent refined engine, cool digital gadgets, and what attracted me is the 4 discs in a hatch. It looked ultra cool to me. And the front long bonnet is another factor to add to its beauty. Then I asked for a price quote from Arasu Hyundai , Trichy. The on road price was 784000. I was little upset , since it was too much for a hatchback car. Next knowing that petrol i20 is Rs. 1.5 laks less than the diesel, test drove it.
I was shocked. Its the same ultra cool looking car with a toy car engine in the hood (sorry pals who own the petrol version). Its so underpowered that I could opt for petrol swift. But with half mind went home after thorough test drive sessions. After a week I had to listen to my heart or mind. Heart says diesel, mind says petrol (cost cutting)
I listened to my heart, and went and paid 10k as advance, and the showroom guys said they need 1 Lak as advance for booking, then paid another 90k next day, and booking was placed on 28 th April 2010. Car arrived on 26 th May as they promised,
I chose the Sleek silver Asta version. To my suprise my version was has new additions with no extra cost .
They are: indicators in ORVMs, blue LCD displays rather orange, and most importantly 6 gears, the very first time in an Indian hatch. This is to comply with BS4 norms I think.
Anyway I paid another 2 laks , and opted the remaining amout as loan with Sri Ram finance. though their interest rates are sky high, the paper work was quick and easy.
I made a small mistake though. Inspite of repeated warning from sales rep in showroom , that since 1st June, the prices of the road tax with hike, I delayed paper works. And thus on 7 th June 2010, I had to pay another 14k to comply with price hike agreement made previous month. My BAD..
Now the onroad price came to 798000.
On 7th June @ 6 PM I was told delivery will be made . I took my good friend who has wide knowledge about cars, and I signed in papers, and the key was given. They had lemons on my tires, and I have to squeeze them (though I dont believe in them).
After taking home my car driven by my friend by 8 PM in the evening, I started to drive it with my friends help (yes I have LLR) I drove and drove for the next 5 days, and after 700 KMS of driving in all terrain, I felt quite confident to take to it for further drives in highways.
The showroom guy offered full tank diesel, Which I burnt to learn driving alone, full car cover, floor mats, and stupid plastic number plates.
Then the fuel economy was 16.5 (didnt measure after that), I heard its good mileage for a bad driver, and a new car.
The full tank diesel dried by 720 KMS, and I had it filled again,
Until now everything was smooth, easy, like playing video games. I love the steering wheel, so sensitive, and the gear engages like a toy.
Clutch, brakes, throttle pedal, all felt like joystick controls, precise, and smooth. I didnt expect me learning to drive like a pro in 10 days. But I drove so slowly and patiently, learning every skill on the way.
Music system , aircon, 6 gears, engine response, everything is just like what I expected.
When I crossed 900 kms mark I planned to go to a friends marriage, a 350 kms round trip from trichy to a village near dindigul.
Filled tank, started driving with my friend (bride grooms brother),
three cases of liquor and a home theatre system, and some bags of dresses put all in my boot.
Didnt know hatch can hold so much things. We drove for 5 hours to cross 150 kms. yes it was a slow and boring drive, since it was night time and worst roads and frequent tea breaks, and I didnt want to abuse my car.
Had nice wedding party , and all, and 1350 kms past, and started returning home from dindigul,
I was driving with 4 other friends, all sleeping in tiredness, returning Trichy.
I slowed down for some reason, and was in third gear only, I heard some noise, and felt it in my foot , I thought gear didnt engage properly, and reshifted again, but no use, the noise increased,
My sleeping friend woke due to the noise, and I pulled over.
The moment I stopped my car, there was huge white smoke coming from the radiator grill,
I was dead for a moment, shocked, panicked, and not knowing what to do, switched off engine, and everyone rushed to check out the engine,
opened the bonnet, lots of smoke, chocked us, rubber burning smell.
Thought engine overheated, but it was ok in the temp meter in dash showing less than 90 degs.
After 15 mins of cooling, the smoked vanished, and saw some smoke coming from the belts thats running from the rights side of the engine,
Then called my showroom, they made some phone diagnostics, asking me details, and told me drive home and bring the car to showroom.
In panic I waited another 10 mins in the middle of nowhere, and started the car, friends all worried.
The engine started with no issues, and everything was smooth,
when I turned on the AIRCON, it blew hot air... confirming AIRCON compressor failure.
Drove to trichy, dropped my friends, and took car to showroom, and the car had exactly done 1480 kms and ready for 1st free service also... so finally a broken car before first service itself. hyundai broke my trust in them..left the showroom without speaking anything since it was 7 pm , and too late to discuss the issue.
Next morning visited, showroom, and found that the aircon compressor is burnt , and they are replacing it in warranty, and claimed it is first time in Hyundai history such catastrophe happened. I came home sadly now hoping whats gonna happen next morning.
Hoping the best. Will update after the car is fixed.
Update: showroom guy called and said they have ordered the compressor, and I will get my car by wednesday.