The i20 offers all the luxuries of a modern premium compact. Powered by the extremely robust 100 ps, 1.4 litre Gamma petrol engine and facilitated with the extra convenient 4 speed automatic transmission, this car makes stop-start city driving a cake walk.
Intelligent design has created a car with an airy interior and lots of space. More than that its vast space generates practical and versatile solutions to different travelling requirements. Like the eye-catching exterior, the inside is superbly designed and beautifully put together using top quality materials. With high levels of comfort and numerous convenience features, the i20 has the capacity to cocoon you on your journey through the rigours of the modern world.
i20 is designed with easy loading with foldable rear seats. In fact the rear seat tips forward and folds giving a flat load space. It is equipped to add extra convenience to whatever the day demands Love the i20. Its my style….