Me and my wife had horrifying experience at Hyundai Motor Plaza. The mail from me to them and the response from Hyundai says it all...
MY MAIL. We have been Hyundais customers before... Had owned a Santro for about 4 years and sold off about a year back...
Right now, we were looking for an automatic. Since there are hardly any choices in the market in the sub 10 lakh range; Hyundai was high on our list. However you have lost the opportunity to sell us a car. Here are the events which happened...
1st visit, couple of months back : We came into showroom, and stood there for about 10 minutes. Nobody can forward to assist, so we decided to leave.
2nd visit, couple of weeks back: Repeat of first incidence. Went into showroom and waited there for10-15 minutes. Nobody attended and now we were absolutely annoyed.
3rd visit, history and happenings (today 03-May-09) :Finally, we decided to evaluate Honda CIty Automatic. The price performance did not appeal to us. So, despite humiliation, we decided to go back to HMP and explicitly talk to the salesperson. Our choicewas clear. Try i10 automtic and if it did not appeal try Verna CRDI ATand take a decision. Verna CRDI AT was on display and looked appealing.I was alamost certain that I wanted to buy it. So we waled to asalesperson and asked for a test drive. The person reluctantly offereda small drive around the block on i10. (Do you expect me to spend 5lakhs / 10 lakhs without even discovering the behaviour of the car ?)i10 looked underpowered, so we asked if we can drive verna. To myamazement, the person simply walked away saying that verna was notavailable for test drive ! He did not even wait to hear that let me atleast try an MT !
Now, I am sure that our relationship is over. Never a Hyundai in my life, even if you offer a free car to me.
Onefinal request. You may have my phone numbers; but please dont callback and I wont read replies to this mail. Bye and best wishes foryour future.
---------------- RESPONSE---------------------
Dear Customer,
This has reference to your mail regarding your Hyundai vehicle.
Please note that we are in receipt ofyour e-mail, we shall be advising our concerned Regional Office tocoordinate with our dealer to arrange for necessary action to addressyour concern. You shall be hearing from our Dealer / Area Office within3 working days. Please bear with us till such time.
In case you are not contacted within 3working days, you may contact our Regional Offices from Monday toFriday between 8 am till 6 pm at:-
HMIL North Regional Office Service Support Ms. Neetu 0172-6605000
Sales Support Ms. Harpreet 0172-6605029 For any queries/complaints on productand service you may also reach us at our 24X7 Customer Care Toll FreeNumber: 1800-11-4645 (From MTNL/BSNL) or 9873564645 from others.
Thanking you and assuring you of our best possible services at all times.
Customer Relations
Hyundai Motor India Ltd.