I own Santro LP 1.1ZipDrive, the vehicle is doing well recently I had some problem with clutch it becomes hard while city driving.
Ive taken the vehicle to hyundai authrorised service centres they said adjustments are made but still the problems are exist. Again I checked with other service centres they said clutch kit needs to be replaced even after I can feel while releasing the clutch it is hard.
Any one knows in Bangalore who services hyundai vehicles correctly, authorized centres always say it is how santro vehicles.
If any one know the good service centre please let me know.
There is no doubt that it is a good city driving vehilce, Im getting mileage of ~12+ with A/c on always. On long drives Im getting more than 15+ with A/c On, it is really pleasure driving vehilce on long drives.
Fun to drive, keep driving. Im expecting few good service centre places let me wait and see.