Folks, I recently purchase a Hyundai Santro Car (Euro III eRLX XO Model & Fully Loaded). I have done with my First Service. I really loved to drive santro as the steering system and the gear systems makes me more comfort to drive. However I am not very happy with the Cost when we compare Santro with Indica Xeta GLX Fully loaded.
The difference is more than Rs. 40, 000/. Considering the Resale value, steering comfortness and other factors I purchased this vehicle.Now I am planning to go long distance tour with my friend, which will come approximately to 1200 Kms.
- Kindly someone advise if it is possible to drive Santro for Such a long distance? 2. How about the performance of Santro during long distance drives of morethan 1000 kms? 3. What is maximum advised speed while traveling such a long distance? Any ideas, greatly appreciated.