I write this review after having a test drive with cars Hyundai SANTRO GLS and Maruti Suzuki ALTO LXi.
My personal experience when I drove ALTO LXi.
I first decided to buy ALTO because of its cheapness and fuel efficiency. When I had a test drive, believe me it was a disappointment but I dont know why. I was not satisfied and I had to comprimise myself saying that for 3.3L I would get only this much in a car. I would never regret ALTOs mileage and maintenance cost, the car price as well. However disappointment stated at the lower seats, space inside the car and the driving experience did not give me any pleasure after getting down from the car.
Cons would be the excellent AC, mileage and enough space at dikki(anyhow you are not going to sit there:)).
My overall rating after driving ALTO was:ok ok:
My personal experience when I drove SANTRO GLS.
I said I was disappointed when I drove ALTO and did not knew why, here the straight opposite I was exited when I drove SANTRO and still did not know why. May be I am a beginner in car driving. I have not driven much cars, I am not an expert in car driving rather a just hold a 2 wheeler license. So I would say that the driving experience and ease of driving is great in SANTRO compared to ALTO. AC experience I will not say that SANTRO was good than ALTO, spacing - SANTRO is great, ALTO is not, People who sit at the rear seats in ALTO need to sit as if they are sitting in a half sized bench on the other hand SANTO rear seaters will have the independence to sit on a full bench kind. You feel that you are in a level with other high end cars while going on the car while you miss this comfort when travelling on ALTO because it makes you sit in a lower berth.
The biggest disappointment in SANTRO is the mileage, I read reviews that SANTRO GLS with AC on gives just 11 - 12 kmpl! while ALTO gives 13-15 kmpl. I am afraid on this factor because I am beginner to driving and I have no idea how will I save petrol etc. still even say I will become an expert in a year or two, still SANTROs mileage is lesser than ALTO which makes me to think that I will loose 2-4 kms on every litre of petrol I fill in my tank:(
I am also worried about SANTROs maintenance cost, it should be definitely more than compared to ALTO.
Spare parts? I am not sure about this, inviting your comments on which companys spare part are low in price.
Overall expericnce, I perfer SANTRO GLS over ALTO LXi. I comprise with mileage considering the comfortness and driving ease shipped with SANTRO:)