Like so many others I was in a dilemma whether to opt for Marutis Wagon R or go for Hyundais Santro. I am NO tech maven, therefore cant give u those kind of tech responses. After a month of pervercating (and test driving both) finally upgraded from M 800 to an Santro eRLX XG brought from Advaith Motors, Bangalore in August 05.
Frankly, I have nothing against Wagon R except it looks are boxy (real ugly on the road). Against that I had to weigh my experience with Marutis extensive service network (V Good) and their service levels (fairly OK but some of their dealers attitude sucks)
Have to say two factors swung the decision finally
Looks (and now I have realised performance) of Santro is better than that of Wagon R
Superb service from Advaith. If you finally zero in on Santro, opt for this dealer. Extremely efficient, courteous and friendly service (Already have got one service done) and car has done around 3200 + kms.
The decision opt for Santro even in hindsight seems to be the right one. Gives me around 13 kms in Bangalores crazy traffic.
However small attention to detail would help like
Having a water bottle holder of one litre capacity (1 litre water bottle is the largest selling SKU in its class, so what sense does it make to give a half litre holder)
Also for storing CDs they have to make some kind of an arrangement...
Otherwise fairly Good. If you are like me confused about what to opt for my experience (and word of advice for whatever it is worth) opt for the Santro.
Happy Shopping !!