Im planning to buy a new santro xing XL in few days and I was just lookin to the user reviews . What I have noticed is 90% of problems lies with the dealers regrding their commitment and service, or after sales woes . From past one year the problem is persistent, is there any improvement on part of Hyundai to improve customer service, or this Korean company is goin indian way . I Have driven santro a lot even 700 kms with just one half hour break, the car is ultime, litreally no problem, provided vehicle is serviced properly, but the car was of my cousin .
Im some wat afraid of the dealers, as my parents r old and I am normally on tours . Will they be able to handle the dealers during services .
CAN Any one suggest, wat the measures can be taken to be on safer side . We had maruti previously and for servicing it was like " sir plz sit and wait for 3 hrs and take ur vehicle " here in chandigarh.
Any suggestions to cope with the dealer, ill be thankful to him.