I bought this car due to strong recommendations from friends and relatives. The car is good with good head room and leg room. Rear seat is congested for three healthy persons. Fuel consumption on city congested roads is hopeless and struggles to achieve double digits. But the same is good for out of city drive. With such light weight compared to premier of yesteryears why the milage is so low?
Only company can explain. I was told that there is no possibility of conversion to LPG or CNG, which is a bad news. Indica was my first choice but succumbed to recommendations. But no regrets to a greate extent. Looks are bad from rear side. Very vulnerable on the roads for kissing by other vehicles. On the highway it is a stable vehicle. Air conditioner is effective but during summer months on inclines that exist in Hyderabad, the engine seems to get overloaded. Service is good from the show room. But emergency service is hopeless.