Surprising? isnt but disgusting as well..I have been under a shocking experience after the cranckshaft failure of my Santro car model Nov 2004.The car suddenly while driving started giving a ratlling sound which I thought may be a fan noise.I just managed to reach home which was 500 meters away.After that it did not start.Lokked like self problem.Battery was okay.
Moreover vehicle was checked , oil replaced a 3-4 days back only by local Rajpura Hyundai dealer..Their mechanic was kind enough to come to my house to check and he asked it to be towed to the workshop where he after inspection declared cranck shaft broken..It was ashock to me beacause they started asking if you have an extended warranty done.I said no..beacuase the car has hardly done any KMs.. I did not know what to do but consult their counterpart at patiala..They said nothing can be done but cranck shaft has to be replaced with other parts like pistons, rings and engine labour charges included the repiar cost would be around 25-30 thousand rupees!!.That gave me another jolt but local dealer and patiala dealre kept on consoling that may be try for some compensation though you are not having any warranty left..I was cursing myself why I purchased this car?? Any way as per suggestions from my friends and parents I sent all the snaps of broken shaft to Hyundai Rajpura, Patiala, Delhi, their customer care etc a no.of times..wherever I could find their contact nos. and addresse but I am sorry to say that no positive reply came from anywhere...I started searching net regarding similar cases and found Dr.Murugan, Chennai case and consulted hi
.He kindly advised me all the proceedings at his end and how he has bbe compensated nicely against similar case writing to mouthshut , bhp car forum etc..I also mentioned my case in different forums but till date nothing has happened.. no response from Hyundai.. As I needed tha car back because of my officila reasons, I had to pay a full amount of Rs.23400/- to take back thae car after 15 days.It has been 2 months then..I am still not comfortable with car fearing it may break again..and last time it happened near my home..the next time it may happen anywhere and can lead to serous and severe accident.I wish no body have this horrible experience with his car..but I fail to understand why I should be deprived of being one of the happy customers of Santro owners?? This is a good car and Hyundai must think serously on a failure one or two like this immediately and give full replacement of the engine..but fial to understand why and why people sitting at Hyundai are having mum approach.I have been getting a few calls from other customers also recently regarding simliar failure and co incidence is that 2004 model having problem in a few cases.. and it cannot be just a co-incidence..their has got to be a manufacturing defect or spurous MOC of the crankshaft.
Those who are reading this review please help me get a compensation from M./s Hyundai may be some of the readers are from M/s Hyundai itself!! Please help...Malkit Singh Vilkhoo