This is my second review of this car.
I am a owner of Santro XO model. which I have purchased on 24oct05 (about to complete 4 yrs)The reason for coming again to this site is that now I feel I have enough data on this car. and this review may help you in making a sane decision about it.You can go through my earlier review:
Any ways, coming back to the other side of the story. Here I would like to mention that I am a Korean product lover, I have all the samsungs and LGs in my home. Keeping the tradition alive, I still own the Santro. My honeymoon period with Santro was over in a years time. The car is a breeze to drive, smooth and efficient. Amazing power deilivery and small turning radius.This is a wonderful car, easy to drive, good fuel economy, good features, good ergonomics.............Good ends here! From last 3.5 yrs I am known to all the serveice ppl at Safdarjang Hyundai as I am a frequent visitor there. Till now my story is something like this:
Initally I had got my **Grill changed in warranty
*I go suspecious about the quality of car so got my warranty its a 4 yr warranty.
Then a strange sound coming from it checked several times at the dealer but they were unable to figure out.
Finallly I **got most of the components like Tie rod, ball joints and some more unknown parts changed in warranty
After this My rear door started opening hydraulic lifters changed in warranty
Now come the D- Day.
I got my car serviced at @30k mileage and after bringing back, fumes sarted coming out from engine and unusual vibration started. Got the car back to dealer (Safdarjang Hyundai is my dealer and they are very co-operative)
They found that Engine has problem, the oilpump had stopped working and therefore piston rings got damaged and due to pressure Cam was damaged.
So We got it fixed.................**oil pump replaced, new piston rings and Cam shaft.............under warranty.
Then I got the **dicky lifter changed again in warranty.
*After that.............................
sound started coming from engine was faulty power steering pump.............**got the bearing changed.............under warranty!
*so sir, This is my story
Till now I got following parts changed:
*Front grille
Dicky lifeters 2 times
Piston rings
Oil pump
Cam shaft
Power streering components
*and thanks to Hyundai that these are under extended warranty!
I would suggest if you have a Hyundai car, get the warranty extended & if you dont have a Hyundai car..............then you are lucky!
I love my car as I have put my hard earned money in it but it is more like enfield bullet! it drives like breeze but if you have to pay for repairs, its heavy on pocket!
My next car certainly would not be Hyundai!
I have driven 33000kms till now. Only me and my wife drives it, is properly maintained.
(To increase my credibility................
I am a industrial designer working with a automobile company. with a background of automobile engineering and Designing and am an alumni of IIT Bombay.)