Santro is my first car and I own it for the past 1+ years and drived 18, 000 km so far. Driving is very comfortable. I am tall(6"), so this car suits me well for the driver leg space + hight of the car.
It gives me the miliage of 17+ in long drive and 12+ inside city(Bangalore) per liter. If we travel with 3 or more persons, then the miliage reduces 1 km / lit.
My cars front and back bumbers are rubbers, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Adv: purchase price reduces, no scratch problems, if the car hits on any object slowly it doesnt get damaged, even if its damaged just replace it; no cost for painting etc. Disadv: the color of the bumber will be black irrespective of the car color; it may loo odd for csomebody, rubber is rubber.
I have driven it in all the roads in every condition and this car rocks everywhere.
Low pick up when AC is on. When you switch off the AC, you can see the dramatic difference in pick ups.
Be careful with the service charges when giving for service to the dealer. I had some bad experiences with tridents services and their service charges. The parts are very costly.
Over all this is a very nice car for a family of 4 members.